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Donnerstag, 2. September 2004, 18.00 Uhr
Eine Veranstaltung der Tanteidan - THE LIGHTING OF PUBLIC SPACES - Bild #0Transnational Tanteidan - Lighting Detectives
What is Public in Your City?

Statements from Tokyo, Singapore, New York City, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Hamburg
Eintritt: € 3,00 / erm. € 2,00
In englischer Sprache

The Transnational Lighting Detectives "Tanteidan" (Japanese for "Detectives") is a non-profit making study group, dedicated to the study of lighting culture, mainly by means of fieldwork. The group was established in Tokyo in 1990. The idea of an international group was created by Kaoru Mende and Ulrike Brandi in 1999.
The Transnational Lighting Detectives have established annual meetings with a public forum, each addressing a special theme. After Tokyo and Stockholm, the Hamburg branch will host the third meeting on the subject "Lighting of Public Spaces".
In an international context public space is defined in different ways. Obviously the lighting also varies. Short statements of members from different cities will explain those cultural gaps.
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the group, the Hamburg pianist Matthias Kirschnereit will play for the public. The architectural critic and book collector Werner Oechslin from Zurich will give the keynote speech on "Dark Locations".

Ulrike Brandiis the principal of the lighting design practice of the same name in Hamburg. With 350 projects all around the world these light architects are among the most active design offices in Germany.
The organiser of this meeting, Christoph Geissmar-Brandi, is an art historian who also works in Hamburg.
Matthias Kirschnereitholds a professorship in piano in Rostock. He is one of Germany's leading pianists and is currently recording all of Mozart's piano concertos with the Bamberger Symphoniker.
Kaoru Mendeis a lighting designer with his own practice, Lighting Planners Associates, in Tokyo. The work of his office is leading in the development of lighting design in Japan.
Werner Oechslinis one of the foremost cultural historians of our time. Apart from his extensive, international teaching posts and numerous publications he has a love of books. His library, which has been passed onto a trust, is one of the largest and most valuable private collections in existence.
All other lighting detectives, from Washington, New York, Singapore, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Hamburg, are members of a younger generation of lighting designers. The future of designing with light is in their hands.

  Die transnationalen Lichtdetektive "Tanteidan", nach dem japanischen Wort für "Detektive" benannt, sind eine nicht kommerzielle Gruppe von Lichtplanern, die sich in anwendungsnaher Arbeit mit Fragen der Lichtkultur befassen. 1990 in Tokyo ins Leben gerufen, und auf Anregung von Kaoru Mende und Ulrike Brandi hat sich die Gruppe 1999 international institutionalisiert. Die Lichtdetektive veranstalten jährliche Tagungen , auf denen u.a. in einem öffentlichen Forum spezifische Fragen der Lichtkultur thematisiert werden.
Nach Veranstaltungen in Tokyo und Stockholm findet das diesjährige Treffen nun in Hamburg statt und befasst sich mit dem Thema "Public Space Lighting". Der international durchaus verschieden definierte "öffentliche Raum" und die analog unterschiedliche Auffassung seiner Beleuchtung werden durch kurze statements aus den beteiligten Ländern erläutert, und kulturell bedingte Unterschiede thematisiert.
Als besondere Gäste werden aus Anlass des 5. Geburtstages der Gruppe der Hamburg Pianist Matthias Kirschnereit spielen und der Züricher Buchsammler und Architekturkritiker Werner Oechslin in einer Eröffnungsrede über "Dark Locations" sprechen.

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